New Treatment Implications-NRS Webinar
The next NRS webinar-New Treatment Implications will take place 6 FEB 12:30-13:30
Dr. Emily van ‘t Wout “Novel state-of-the art treatment implications and strategies in AATD”
Prof. Marlies Wijsenbeek “Current insights into the pharmacological treatment of pulmonary fibrosis and a look toward the future”
NRS members can join the NRS webinar for free.

National Lung Course
This year the National Lung Course will be from 12 - 14 February.
Registration of the National Lung Course 2025 is open till 22th of November!
Every year the NLC is a big succes. During the course you'll be taken into the interesting world of lung diseases and lung research. The course is meant for those early in their careers. Register now and we will see you in February.

NRS Travel Grant
Boost Your Research with an NRS Travel Grant!
Are you a young investigator and an NRS member? Securing funding to attend international symposia or conferences outside the main respiratory field can be challenging. To promote innovative thinking and fresh perspectives in respiratory medicine, the NRS offers a Travel Grant. This grant, up to a maximum of €750, supports attendance at high-quality scientific meetings outside the respiratory field.
Apply now! The upcoming deadlines are February 1st and June 1st.
Read more

SAB Best Paper Award
The call for applications for the NRS-SAB Best Paper Award 2024 is open! The "NRS-SAB Best Paper Award," is presented annually to a young researcher who has conducted their research at a Research Institute or (Academic) hospital in the Netherlands, or a Dutch researcher who has conducted their research abroad.
SAB Best Paper Award
Do you have written an extraordinary paper on a research at a Research Insitute or (Academic) hospital? Join the SAB Best Paper Award!
The call for the SAB Best Paper Award 2024 has started! The Deadline for the SAB Best Paper Award is 28th of October. The winner will be rewarded with 2500 euro.

NicotiNO Campaign
How long will we allow the tobacco industry to control the narrative and keep young people addicted to nicotine in ever-evolving ways? When one product is banned, another is waiting in the wings. This must end now!
On December 12th, the Dutch Parliament will vote on a crucial law: NicotiNO. Now is the time to make your voice heard.
Sign the petition at www.nicotinee.nl and share this message wherever you can.
Together, we can create a movement the government can no longer ignore!
More info: www.vapenjouwkeuze.nl
Watch the video: https://youtu.be/CpRSynXtoB0?feature=shared

Benefits of the NRS membership
Join the NRS and participate in an active community that strives to advance respiratory research!