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NRS Webinar-Big Data in Respiratory Disease

The next NRS webinar-"Big Data in Respiratory Disease" will take place 30 May 12:30-13:30. 

Speakers and the title of their talks:

Dr. Jan von der Thüsen

"The -omics of respiratory disease: from images to proteins and back"

Jelmer Vlasma
"IL-13 differentially affects cell differentation in PBECs from patients with asthma"


Dr. Jan von der Thüsen is a histopathologist with subspecialist interest in thoracic and cardiovascular pathology. He received his medical training at the Universities of Cambridge (UK, Trinity College) and London (UK, Imperial College), and his specialist training at Leiden University Medical Centre. He developed his subspecialist interest in pulmonary and mediastinal pathology during appointments as consultant histopathologist and university lecturer at the Academic Medical Centre in Amsterdam (The Netherlands), and the Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust (London, UK).

He currently works as lead thoracic pathologist, associate professor, deputy head of department, and molecular diagnostics liaison at the department of Pathology and Clinical Bioinformatics of the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam. His research interests include the pathology of neoplastic and non-neoplastic thoracic diseases, including mediastinal tumours and mesothelioma, with a focus on personalising treatments through integrated and computational pathology. He has co-authored over 180 papers and is pathology sub-editor of Lung Cancer.

He is the current pathology chair of the EORTC lung cancer group, lung subgroup chair of the EORTC Pathobiology Group,medical expert for the ESP lung EQA scheme, chair of the ESP thymic and mediastinal working group (TMWG), pathology committee member of the IASLC, and computational pathology lead for the European Thoracic Oncology Platform (ETOP), the International Thymic Malignancy Interest Group (ITMIG), and IASLC. He is chairman of the Dutch Thoracic Pathology Working group (NWTP), president-elect of the British Division of the International Academy of Pathology (BDIAP), co-organiser of the Dutch international thymoma panel, member of the Dutch mesothelioma panel, and board member of the Dutch Lung Cancer Audit (DLCA).

Jelmer Vlasma “I am trained in biomedical sciences and immunology and currently finishing my PhD project in the research group of Martijn Nawijn. In my PhD project I focus epithelial cell differentiation and repair in the context of chronic lung diseases. Using scRNAseq data derived from in vivo samples and from complex in vitro models I aim to map epithelial cell responses towards perturbations to understand in vivo mechanisms of diseases.”


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