Mathilde Chayé received NRS Travel Grant

Report of the Worm Immune Regulation Meeting 2018
I am a third year PhD student in the Department of Parasitology at LUMC (Leiden) and my research focuses on the identification of helminth molecules that drive regulatory B cell development.
Going to the Worm Immune Regulation Meeting in Davos (Switzerland) was a great experience. I attended lectures by many renowned international researchers, and gained a lot of knowledge on immune regulation, but also interesting methods and techniques that could be applied to my research or in my department. I had the chance to talk with regulatory B cells experts such as Simon Fillatreau, which gave me new insights on these cells.
During the poster session, I discussed with many other researchers who were very supportive and interested in my work, and also gave me interesting ideas to investigate. The poster sessions were extremely interesting and allowed me to meet many researchers who shared my interest in immune regulation.
Mathilde Amélie Marie Chayé