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NRS 7th Young Investigator Symposium

NRS 7th Young Investigator Symposium 13 november 2015
Hotel Casa 400, Eerste Ringdijkstraat 4
1097 BC Amsterdam, Amsterdam (near trainstation Amsterdam, Amstel).
We advise you to travel by train due to limited parking possibilities. 

Sponsored by Stichting Astma Bestrijding (SAB)

Abstract submission opened, deadline November 1st, 2015.
Powerpoint presentation, maximum of 5 slides (click here for more information), mail to:
i.m.van.den.burg@umcg.nl submission, deadline 6 november, 2015.

Program at a glance:
Morning: Thematic session with 4 keynote speakers on: “The effect of Life Style and Environment on Lung Diseases”
Afternoon: Pro-con discussion on “Influence of air pollution on health is underestimated” will be organized. Thereafter parallel masterclass  and workshop “Patient Participation”.
The masterclass is for junior researchers (e.g. PhD students) and will allow them present their own research Powerpoint presentation, (click here for more information) and receive feedback from the expert. The workshop “Patient Participation” is aimed at more experienced researchers (e.g. post-docs); during the workshop participants how and where patients can participate in research. Make sure to register before October 21st for this workshop. 

Plenary morning session:
 Arrival and Registration

09.45-09.50: Welcome

09.50-10.15: Patient interview

10.15-11.25: Session I

Ben Marsland (Lausanne, CH)  “Microbiome and Origin of Asthma”
Machteld Hylkema (Groningen, NL)  “Maternal Smoking and the Future Lung”

11.25-11.45: Coffee

11.45-12.55: Session II

Peter Wagner (San Diego, USA) “Exercise in COPD”
Anneke ten Brinke (Leeuwarden, NL)  “Obesity, Vitamin D and Asthma”

12.55-14.00: Lunch

14.00-14.30: Pro-Con Discussion 
 “Influence of Airpollution on Health is underestimated”
 Pro: Bert Brunekreef, Utrecht, NL  
 Con: Marike Boezen, Groningen, NL

14.30-16.45: Parallel Master classes with facilitators from YIS board and speakers

14.30-16.45: Workshop for post-docs: Patient Participation  
Given by Longfonds

16.45-17.15: Awards and closing  
 Chiesi presentation  
 Masterclass Award  
 SAB Award

With kind regards,

On behalf on the Young Investigator Board, 

Astrid Aardenburg-van Huisstede (Rotterdam)
Harm-Jan Bogaard (Amsterdam)
Mirjam Kool (chair)(Rotterdam)
Alex Remels (Maastricht)
Brigitte Willemse (Groningen)